Jul 16, 2015
Kycie Terry’s Type 1 Diabetes Fight and Death Heard by Many
On Saturday July 11, 2015, a post appeared on Facebook that shook the diabetes community and beyond. Five-year-old Kycie Terry, diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes less than six months ago, had passed away. It...
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Apr 18, 2014
Type 1 Diabetes Song – A Little Bit Longer by the Jonas Brothers
I realize that this Jonas Brothers song has been out for a little while now (released in 2008), but a friend from high school whose daughter was just diagnosed with Type 1 posted it to her Facebook wall...
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Feb 13, 2014
Type 1 Diabetic Kris Freeman – Olympic Cross-Country Skier
At age 19, the very same year that Kris Freeman was asked to join the U.S. Ski Team, he received the news that he could have let alter his future as a skier. He was diagnosed with Type 1...
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Jan 18, 2014
Google’s Diabetes Contact Lens Tests Glucose Levels in Tears
Yesterday, my wife sent me an article about a contact lens that Google’s secret lab was working on. No, this lens doesn’t overlay a computer screen in your field of vision, nor does it...
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Jun 9, 2013
Can Sunburn Raise Blood Sugar?
With the warmer weather finally here, my wife and I headed to our community pool yesterday. It was an overcast day, with the sun only occasionally peeking through the clouds. I decided to forgo the...
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Nov 18, 2012
Type 1 Diabetic Cough Medicine Scot-Tussin Review
The first time I got sick after developing diabetes in 2004, I was still living at home and I can remember my mom buying every type of diabetic cough medicine that she could find. This included...
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Nov 10, 2012
C8 MediSensors Noninvasive CGM Approved for Sale in Europe
A little over a year ago I first wrote about C8 MediSensors HG1-c noninvasive continuous glucose monitor (nCGM). This week I received word from the company that their device, which uses light to...
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Jan 29, 2012
Watching My Type 1 Husband Seize, Hallucinate and Not Recognize Me
One year ago today I was confronted by a side of Type 1 Diabetes I had never seen before and pray to never see again. It took over my husband’s body, forcing out a person that not only couldn’t...
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